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Why choose the post-Master’s in Actuarial Practice Cycle?

APC graduates can request the title of Actuary AG (AAG)

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Upon completion of the APC programme, you will meet all the Royal Actuarial Association’s (KAG) education requirements for the title of Actuary AG (AAG).

Develop professional and soft skills

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During the Personal Leadership course, you will work on skills such as collaborating, influencing, advising, persuading, reporting, presenting, pitching and dealing with resistance.

Experienced teachers

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Our curriculum is developed and taught by experts from across the actuarial field, working with our academic staff and skills trainers. This ensures an inspiring exchange between professionals from different backgrounds.

Personal Mentor

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You will be assigned a personal mentor who will guide you in your personal and professional development to help you become a more well-rounded actuary. The skills you will work on are in line with the KAG’s competencies for AAG qualification. Our mentors are experienced actuaries, allowing you to benefit from their hands-on experience and insights.

For whom?

The post-Master’s in Actuarial Practice Cycle is aimed at quantitative finance professionals who want to specialise in the practical application of data science and quantitative methods, with a specific focus on how these are used in their field. 

Am I admissible?

Upload your academic transcripts and request an intake assessment. Within 3 working days, we will let you know if you are admissible and if there are any deficiencies you must address before you can enrol in the APC programme. 

Driss Masaoudi
Copyright: FEB
This programme is great for early-career professionals who want to continue their development in the actuarial field. Driss Masaoudi - Actuary/Risk Manager at Athora Netherlands

What will you learn? 

Upon completion of the programme, you will have competencies and expertise in the following knowledge domains, as identified in the professional profile developed by the Royal Actuarial Society (KAG): 

  1. You will learn to quantify and model financial risks and develop expertise in pricing, managing and hedging these risks.  
  2. You will gain in-depth knowledge and develop a comprehensive understanding of the world of insurance and pensions, including all the relevant details and regulations.  
  3. You will develop quantitative expertise in capital and risk management at financial institutions, giving you the skills you need to maintain the financial health of an insurance company, for example. 
  4. You will gain knowledge and experience in a variety of real-world projects: calculating health insurance premiums, developing a disability insurance policy, certifying a pension fund, managing capital, acquiring a life insurance company and setting up sustainability reporting. 
  5. You will practise essential professional skills such as advising, assessing, influencing and acting ethically. 

Group composition 

Your fellow students will play a key role throughout the programme, bringing with them a variety of quantitative skills, professional backgrounds and specialisms. As you expand your network, they will help you deepen your knowledge of actuarial science and practice across the board. 

Prior academic training

Actuarial science 61% 
Econometrics 24% 
Maths & physics 14%

Average age



40% female 
60% male

Work experience

< 3 years 50% 
3-5 years 24% 
> 5 years 16%

Professional background

Consultancy 50% 
Insurance 46% 
Pensions 3% 
Other 1%

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
Certificate, AAG
30 ECTS ECTS, 12 of 24 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
€17,500 (12 months) €21,000 (24 months)
Roeterseiland campus