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The teachers at the Amsterdam Business School are experienced specialists who bridge the gap between science and practice.

Work Field Advisory Council

The members of the Work Field Advisory Council contribute to improving the quality of the programme. They provide suggestions for adjustments to the content of education. They also provide feedback and make recommendations. Additionally, the board ensures that the programme continues to align with the evolving needs of the job market.

The Work Field Advisory Council currently consists of:

  • Jolanda Roos MSc AAG - Head of Risk Management at NN Schade & Inkomen
  • Drs Nienke Griffioen-Jintes AAG - Department Head Expertise Centre Intervention & Enforcement at De Nederlandsche Bank
  • Dr Noud Marquinie AAG - Actuary at DSW Zorgverzekeringen
  • Lars Janssen MSc AAG - Manager at PwC
  • Erik ten Hove MSc AAG - Manager Actuarial Accountability & Data Analysis at PGGM