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Are you interested in this Bachelor’s and do you want to apply? Make sure to keep an eye on the deadlines. The application process depends on where you have completed your prior education.

Please note: it is no longer possible to apply for the Bachelor's in Business Administration for the 2025-2026 academic year. From October 2025 you can apply for the Bachelor’s in Business Administration for the academic year 2026-2027.

Deadline September 2025 intake

15 January 2025.

Students with Dutch prior education

Please follow this application procedure if you have: 

  • obtained or will obtain a Dutch VWO diploma. 
  • obtained a Dutch secondary school degree and have obtained or will obtain a Dutch HBO propeadeuse.

Students with international prior education

Please follow this application procedure if you have: 

  • obtained or will obtain an international (non-Dutch) diploma or degree (including an International Baccalaureate). 
  • obtained an international (non-Dutch) secondary school degree and have obtained or will obtain a Dutch HBO propaedeuse.


Do you have questions about the enrolment procedure?