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The leadership and Management track study programme focuses on the challenges organisations face in managing people, teams, and organisations and the balance between organisational and employee interests.

The programme

Leadership and Management is one of the tracks of the MSc Business Administration. During your Master's you will follow 5 general courses and 3 track-specific courses. You will finish with a thesis. If you have a fundamental drive to challenge the corporate environment, you can participate in one of our Honours programmes.

  • Ethics and the Future of Business
    Period 1

    The purpose of this course is to explore the trends, core concepts, theories, and approaches of business ethics and corporate sustainability. The course is divided into a general part and a track-specific part.

  • Theories of Leadership and Management
    Period 1

    In this course you will get the theoretical framework for understanding how to lead and manage people to foster a company’s success. You will learn what drives people’s motivation and performance as well as how, when, and why people succeed or fail together in groups and organisations. This course is based on groundbreaking classic theories and modern research findings.

  • Business Seminar and Managerial Skills
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
  • Managerial Skills
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
  • Leadership
    Period 2

    Get an insight into our latest knowledge and research discoveries on leadership. We will focus on how leaders influence employee motivation, extra effort or counterproductive behavior, and discuss ethical considerations leaders make. Thereby, you will not only learn about leading well but also about poor leadership and what happens to employees and organizations when leaders lead poorly. We will also cover real-life examples, implications for leadership practice and of course in-depth research in leadership. A critical and motivated attitude is key, as we ask for independent as well as interactive participation.

  • Managing People Strategically
    Period 2

    In this course we draw on the most up-to-date theorising in the field of management and to some extent psychology, and look at how organisations seek to achieve a competitive advantage through people, as well as at what impact their choices have on employees.

  • Thesis Proposal Leadership and Management
    Period 3

    This course is meant to support you in writing you research proposal for you Master's thesis. During the course, you will learn how to change a general topic into a specific research proposal.

  • Business Seminar and Professional Skills
    Period 4
    Period 5

    To prepare you for your professional career, this course is a combination of a series of corporate guest lecturers in Royal Theatre Carré and an offering of professional skills training e.g. Presentation Skills, Programming with Python and more.

  • Restricted-choice electives: Professional Skills
    Period 4
    Period 5
  • Restricted-choice electives: Methods-Workshops
    Period 4
  • Restricted-choice electives: Analysis-Workshop
    Period 5
  • Restricted-choice electives: Business Lab Electives
    Period 4
    Period 5

    In The Business Lab, you can choose from a wide selection of electives we call business labs. Each one is connected to a corporate partner. You will be challenged to solve real-world business issues, working in international teams and presenting your solution to the company.

  • Master's Thesis Leadership and Management
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6
Compulsory course

Honours programmes

Highly motivated students can participate in the MSc Business Administration Honours programmes Sustainability or Data Driven Management. These challenging programmes are a great chance to stand out for future employers.

Copyright: iStock-1292653388-Halyna Kabanets
Studying at the Amsterdam Business school gives you a competitive advantage as you gain practical experiences and are supported to follow more courses of your interest. Marieke Rooze - track Leadership and Management Read about Marieke's experiences with this Master's
Copyright: Google
Real-life case: Google ranks highly among the ‘best companies to work for’

The multinational offers employees a wide range of extras: a complete playground to spend your work breaks, a mind-blowing workspace and luxury lunch menus. Why does Google do this? How does this help achieve organisational goals? And could this work for other companies?

Frequently asked questions