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As a student in the Netherlands you will pay an annual tuition fee. Which fee you pay depends on your nationality, your degree programme and your mode of study (full-time or part-time).

Tuition fee

Before enrolling, check the tuition fee you will need to pay. How much you pay depends on your nationality, your programme, and — if you are required to pay the statutory tuition fees — whether you are studying full-time or part-time:

Check the tuition fee rates

Other Study Costs

In addition to tuition fees, you will incur expenses for books, excursions, a laptop, and other study materials. Also, take into account other costs, such as food, public transport, and accommodation if you plan to live in student housing.

More information about costs

Scholarships and financial aid

We aim to attract the best and the brightest students to our international classrooms. Therefore, we offer outstanding students the opportunity to apply for several scholarships.