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The curriculum of this track covers both the corporate environment and new ventures. How do innovative companies, like Apple and Amazon, create value through developing new products, services and processes? How do they keep changing their business models to fit the increasingly digitalised world? And how do entrepreneurs identify valuable opportunities? How do they develop strategies and plans, and acquire the necessary resources to implement their ideas?

The programme

Entrepreneurship and Innovation is one of the tracks of the Master's Business Administration. During your Master's you will follow 5 general courses and 3 track-specific courses. You will finish with a thesis. If you have a fundamental drive to challenge the corporate environment, you can participate in one of our Honours programmes.

  • Ethics and the Future of Business
    Period 1

    The purpose of this course is to explore the trends, core concepts, theories, and approaches of business ethics and corporate sustainability. The course is divided into a general part and a track-specific part.

  • Theories of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
    Period 1

    The course serves as an introductory course for the Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc programme. In this course you will be introduced to the main theories and models of entrepreneurship and innovation management. You will learn to understand different views on these topics and work with a variety of perspectives. Through the course you can acquire the knowledge and the skills to analyse and design strategies for innovation management and new business creation and to apply models to solve case studies and real life problems.

  • Business Seminar and Managerial Skills
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
  • Managerial Skills
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
  • Entrepreneurship in the Digital Economy
    Period 2

    The digital economy is transforming how businesses are structured, how firms interact, and how consumers purchase goods and services. This course provides a series of frameworks for creating and managing ventures founded around digital technologies or digital business models. You will obtain an insight into digital entrepreneurship and understand the critical factors needed to develop a successful start-up in the digital economy.

  • Innovation Management
    Period 2

    In this course, you will obtain an insight into how innovative companies discover, develop and exploit opportunities for new products, services and business models. You will discuss theories on entrepreneurial and innovation networks such as design thinking, sustainability, digital innovation and business modelling. And apply the acquired knowledge in real-life innovation projects of ventures and corporations, such as ING. You will also gather valuable insights into how firms create and manage innovations from guest lecturers from highly reputable companies.

  • Thesis Proposal Entrepreneurship and Innovation
    Period 3

    This course is meant to support you in writing you research proposal for your Master's thesis. During the course, you will learn how to transform a general topic into a specific research proposal.

  • Business Seminar and Professional Skills
    Period 4
    Period 5

    To prepare you for your professional career, this course is a combination of a series of corporate guest lecturers in Royal Theatre Carré and an offering of professional skills training e.g. Presentation Skills, Programming with Python and more.

  • Restricted-choice electives: Professional Skills
    Period 4
    Period 5
  • Restricted-choice electives: Methods-Workshops
    Period 4
  • Restricted-choice electives: Analysis-Workshop
    Period 5
  • Restricted-choice electives: Business Lab Electives
    Period 4
    Period 5

    In The Business Lab, you can choose from a wide selection of electives we call business labs. Each one is connected to a corporate partner. You will be challenged to solve real-world business issues, working in international teams and presenting your solution to the company.

  • Master's Thesis Entrepreneurship and Innovation
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6
Compulsory course

Honours programmes

Highly motivated students can participate in the Master's Business Administration Honours programmes Sustainability or Data Driven Management. These challenging programmes are a great chance to stand out for future employers.

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The programme turned out to be incredibly practical and autonomous. Mauricio Vallejo Isaza - track Entrepreneurship and Innovation Read about Mauricio's experiences with this Master's
Real-life case: ING's challenges

ING, a global bank, aims to lead in creating sustainable business solutions for the company, customers, society, and the environment. Last year, ING set 3 challenges: sustainability in the housing market, financial health, and improving customer feedback. Student teams, coached by ING employees, worked on these challenges for 6 weeks. The top teams presented their innovative solutions to ING’s senior management. Ideas included: digital tools to educate customers on investing, incentives for sustainable home choices, and using AI to enhance customer feedback.

Frequently asked questions