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Are you already thinking about what will be your next endeavour after PPLE? Perhaps you are wondering what career you actually want and what path you should follow to get there. Or you might think about how you can gain professional experience to find out what suits you best and create future chances.
Event details of PPLE Alumni Talk
20 January 2025
15:00 -16:30
REC P1.27

Finding your career path as a PPLE graduate

For this PPLE Alumni Talk, we are excited to welcome Mat van Uum who graduated in 2020 from the Politics major. Since then, Mats has been actively building his career in the international development sector, currently working as a Programme Officer at The Hague Academy for Local Governance. 

Mats will share insights from his journey, including how PPLE, his Master's in International Relations and his work at a think tank of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs helped shape his professional path, and what his work life looks like today.

Mats can tell you first-hand how his PPLE background is reacted to in the working world, how he chose a Master's and which skills acquired at PPLE pay off particularly well in his current job. 

Gain new impulses on your career questions and get a better understanding of what’s out there for you!

15:00 - 16:00 Alumni Talk by Mats van Uum
16:00 - 16:30 Extra time for  informal discussions, personalised advice, or additional question

Location: REC P1.27