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The 1st step of our application process for students from another UvA faculty or Dutch university is checking the entry and selection requirements of this Master’s. In your online application you will be asked to upload proof of all mentioned requirements.

Since the Master’s in Business Administration is a popular programme and we want to guarantee an interactive programme, we apply a selection procedure. This means that besides the entry requirements, your application will also be selected based on the selection criteria.

Entry requirements

The Admissions Office will evaluate your application for this programme based on your academic Bachelor's degree, your pre-Master's or academic minor:

  • Your academic Bachelor’s degree

    In order to be eligible for admission to this Master’s, the following Bachelor's education is required:

    • You hold an academic Bachelor's or Master's degree from a Dutch University in (International) Business Administration, Communication Science or one of the Bachelor's from our list of Dutch Bachelor’s degrees.
    • You hold another Dutch academic degree with relevant Quantitative and Business courses. The Bachelor’s curriculum must include 15 ECTS in academic research with a minimum of 10 ECTS on quantitative research oriented courses (intermediate/advance) and a minimum of 15 ECTS on business courses in at least 2 of the following fields:
      • strategy;
      • international management;
      • organisation;
      • marketing;
      • leadership;
      • entrepreneurship;
      • organisational psychology.
  • Your pre-Master's, Major or academic minor

    Pre-Master's students from UvA Economics and Business

    You can apply for our Master's in Business Administration without any further conditions such as a minimum GPA or GMAT, if you have obtained:

    To apply for the Master's, follow this step by step guide (choose Business Administration Premaster).

    Students from the UvA Bachelor's PPLE or Bèta-Gamma

    You can apply for our Master's in Business Administration without any further conditions such as a minimum GPA or GMAT, if you have obtained:

    • a Bachelor's PPLE with the Major E&B, provided that the EB-course Strategy and Change (3rd-year course of Bachelor's Economics and Business with course code 6013B0507Y) has been completed.
    • a Bachelor's Bèta-Gamma (UvA) with a major in Business Administration (UvA).

    To apply for the Master's, you have to register in Studielink and submit your application in Embark before the deadline.

    Academic minor students from the Breda University of Applied Sciences Strategic Business Management and Marketing programme / Students from the Hotelschool The Hague programme

    If you are a student from the Breda University of Applied Sciences or Hotelschool The Hague and you have finished your academic minor as part of your final curriculum and diploma, you have direct admission to our Master's in Business Administration without any further conditions such as a minimum GPA or GMAT. 

    To apply for the Master's, you have to register in Studielink and submit your application in Embark before the deadline.

    Pre-Master's Business Administration students from HvA, HvR, or HU 

    If you have followed a pre-Master's Business Administration programme (minor) at Hogeschool van Utrecht, Hogeschool van Amsterdam or Hogeschool van Rotterdam, and you have finished your pre-Master's as part of your final curriculum and diploma, you have direct admission to our Master's in Business Administration without any further conditions such as a minimum GPA or GMAT. 

    To apply for the Master's, follow this step by step guide (choose Business Administration Premaster).

    Pre-Master's students from another Dutch university

    We have limited places available for pre-Master's students in Business Administration from other Dutch universities. Therefore, a selection procedure is in place. The Admissions Office will evaluate your eligibility based on:

    • A complete pre-Master's programme
    • A minimum GPA of 7.5. The Admissions Board will carefully review all the applications shortly after the application deadline. This means that you will not automatically be admitted when you have a 7.5 GPA, but that you will be considered for the selection round where places are offered to the applications with the highest GPA until all places are filled. 

    To apply for the Master's, you have to register in Studielink and submit your application in Embark before the deadline.

If your previous education does not fulfil the above-mentioned requirements, you might be eligible for the pre-Master's programme Business Administration.


Meeting the entry requirements alone is not a guarantee for admission. Besides the entry requirements you need to meet the selection criteria. This means that your application will be compared with other applicants. The selection is based on your GPA and motivation letter.  

  • 1. Your Grade Point Average (GPA)

    Since the Master’s in Business Administration is a popular programme and we want to guarantee an interactive programme, we apply a selection procedure. One of the selection criteria is the Grade Point Average (GPA). 

    Applicants with a sufficient background are required to have an overall GPA of at least 7.0 or higher to be eligible for selection. 

    This means that you will not automatically be admitted when you have a 7.0 GPA but that you will be considered for the selection round where places are offered to the applications with the highest GPA until all places are filled.

    Calculate your GPA over:

    • All Bachelor's degree results (year 1-3). Also include any additional Bachelor’s courses. 
    • If you also have a Master's degree, you have to add a second GPA calculation (also minimum 7.0) from all Master's degree results as well.

    You do not have to update your GPA calculation after the application deadline. In the 3rd week of June the best candidates will be selected.  

  • 2. Your motivation letter

    The motivation letter (max. one A4)  allows you to explain why you would be a good fit for the Master’s programme and which experiences have led you to this decision. 

Track choice

Given the high demand for the programme and our commitment to maintaining an interactive learning environment, it is possible that your preferred track may reach full capacity (which is variable based on teaching capacity and shifting student demand). Therefore you are required to choose 2 tracks, when applying for the Master’s in Business Administration. Should your first option reach full capacity, we check if there is place in your second track choice.  Please note that Digital Marketing and Consumer Marketing cannot be combined for the September intake.

Your eligibility for the programme and track will be determined based on your completed application.

  • After submitting your application we will notify you via email if you are accepted to the programme and  for which track you can enrol.
  • There is also a possibility that you may not be accepted into either track. Admission is competitive, and priority is given to applicants who best meet the selection criteria, which are based on factors such as GPA, motivation letter, and GMAT/GRE scores.